Pointers are small to medium gun dogs that do exactly what their name says — they point where the game is. The most easily recognized characteristic of a pointer is the way it stands motionless with its head ‘pointing’ toward the game and one front paw lifted in the air. This helps the hunter to know where the game is to be found and then take the next measures to flush and shoot.
Pointers are one of the main hunting dogs, with the 30 or so breeds today being some of the smartest dogs out there. Though people still train pointers for hunting, these adorable dogs mostly play the role of a doting family dog in a loving household. They are some of the gentlest and most loyal dogs you could have for a pet.
They have a natural disposition to point, so even if they are not actively involved in hunting, it is not unusual to find a pointer taking the classic pointing stance. Here is a list of the dog breeds that point:
List of The Types of Pointer Dog Breeds
- Pointer (English Pointer)
- Bracco Italiano
- Vizsla (Hungarian Pointer)
- Brittany
- Weimaraner
- Pudelpointer
- German Wirehaired Pointer
- German Shorthaired Pointer
- German Longhaired Pointer
- German Roughhaired Pointer
- French Spaniel
- Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
- Wirehaired Vizsla
- Pachón Navarro
- Braque Français Gascogne
- Braque Français Pyrénées
- Portuguese Pointer
- Ariège Pointer
- Braque d’Auvergne
- Braque du Bourbonnais
- Český Fousek
- Braque Saint-Germain
- Burgos Pointer (Burgalese Pointer)
- Large Münsterländer
- Slovak Rough-haired Pointer (Slovakian Wirehaired)
- Old Danish Pointer
- Perdigueiro Galego
- Small Münsterländer
- Spinone Italiano
- Stabyhoun (Frisian Pointer)
In the United Kingdom, pointers and setters are considered a single sub-group of the gun dog group.