Jack Chi
The breed Jack Chi has been produced by crossing between the Jack Russell Terrier and the Chihuahua. They are small to medium-sized dogs with a dense coat, short neck, elongated muscular body, large eyes, and a triangular head. Their ears either erect like that of the Chihuahua, or with a curl-over like the terrier parent. This dog typically has a long nose like its Jack parent, and so is the built-up of its body, including the color patterns. However, its coat and the length of its legs are quite similar to that of a Chihuahua. It’s not uncommon for this dog to be shorter than 10 inches at its shoulders. Like the Chihuahua, its muzzle can at times be thinner than the Jack Russell.
Jack Chi Pictures
- Jack Chi Dog
- Jack Chi Images
- Jack Chi Pictures
- Jack Chi Puppies
- Jack Chi Puppy Images
- Jack Chi Puppy Pictures
- Jack Chi Puppy
- Jack Chi
Quick Information/Description
Also known as/Nickname | Pughuahua |
Coat | Short, dense |
Colors | Black, White, Brown, Chocolate, Cream, Golden, Fawn, Black & Brown, Black & White, Black and Tan, Brown & White, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Tricolor |
Type | Designer dog |
Group (of Breed) | Crossbreed |
Lifespan | 13 to 18 years |
Weight | 8-18 pounds |
Height (size) | Small to Medium; 15 inches (maximum) |
Temperament | Sweet, affectionate, friendly, playful, alert, energetic |
Hypoallergenic | Yes |
Good with Children | Yes |
Good with Pets | Yes |
Barking | Occasional |
Country of Origin | USA |
Competitive Registration | ACHC, DDKC, DDKC, IDCR |
Jack Chi Dog Video
Temperament and Behavior
Like its parents, the Jack Chi is a very fun-loving, playful, sweet-tempered dog that is friendly to all and sundry, including family members, kids, and other pets. So much so that, it will probably not bark even if there is a stranger at the door. This trait has been a hindrance for them from being a good watchdog.
They enjoy playing with their loved ones, even with other dogs and cats, and have a typical calm attitude. They love to be cuddled by their owners. However, they can suddenly become hyper at times being overly nervous like the Chihuahua.
They are also fond of smelling and would often follow their nose. These active dogs do not get tired easily. They have a prey drive in them for which they would at times chase birds and chipmunks. This dog does not enjoy cold weather.
Being an active breed, they regularly need lots of exercises. They enjoy playing ball and going out for walks. Take them out for medium to long walks or for jogging. Allow them to play for long hours, without a leash. This should satisfy their playing and preying instincts to a great extent.
The short-haired jack chi doesn’t require intense grooming and maintenance. Brushing them with a hard-bristled brush once a week should be enough to keep its coat smooth and healthy. Also, take care of their teeth regularly.
Health Problems
Although, as a crossbreed dog, the Jack Chis are a hardy breed, they might suffer from a few conditions that are common to their parent breeds. They might be allergic to soy as also might suffer from allergies from tall and fresh cut grasses. Their skin might also be sensitive to insects and insect bites like those from mosquitoes and fleas, and might also suffer from teary eyes. Also be aware of other general dog health issues.
Training the Jack Chi might not be too easy, and in turn might need some patience. Training this breed can be tough and tedious for first-time dog owners. Issues like spatial aggression and separation anxiety might pester your dog at an adult age if properly trained and socialized from an early age.
Be strict but to not be rude. Be assertive so that it accepts you as the leader of its pack. You must hold patience and have enough perseverance to train this little dog. If it is too hectic on your part, you can seek the help of professional obedience schools.
Jack Chis can be picky eaters, but generally are happy to eat what you put out. Care should be taken not to overfeed them as some will eat everything they can and not stop.
These dogs are choosy eaters. Watch carefully what type of food your dog likes to eat, and you can stick to such routines. If you insist on dry dog food, make sure it is high-quality. But your dog might end up eating it all, if they like the food. Sometimes they will just eat everything they can, and will not stop. So be careful not to over-feed them.
Interesting Facts
- During breeding, the Chihuahua is sometimes mixed with the Parsons Russell Terrier, instead of the Jack Russell. Though, both the mixes look alike.
- This breed is even comfortable living on the farm.
- The Jack Chi is known to be a chewer. So it is better to supply them with enough chewable toys so as to avoid the destruction of prized possessions.
- The Jack Chi dogs are amazing at vertical jumping.
Hi iam looking for a chihuahua chocolate/Jack russell. My name is Anthony. My FB. Dolly82014@gmail.com. let me no. I live in las Vegas nv.
I have 2 male jack chis, Charlie and scooter. They are so sweet and so cute. I have had them since I was 4 and they are 7. they both don’t look very much like a jack chi. Scooter has an underbite and their parents (born in same litter) both didn’t.
My Jack chi is very lovable big jumper smells everything loves toys and attention loves cuddling at night very smart and attentive
We have a .5 year old Jack Chi named Reyna that is an absolute joy! She barks at every little thing though.. which we are trying to train her out of. I guess she got the Chihuahua side with that trait. And boy is she a runner and a jumper. If I am not careful, and she gets a running start, she will jump up and almost over my shoulder from the ground. She’s only about 12.5 lbs so you have to be quick to catch her!
I just adopted my jack chi a few days ago . His name is Larry and he is about 3. He is absolutely wonderful. I am not ” a dog person” but I love this little guy. He is completely house broken, is the calmest dog I have ever seen. He just sits on the couch and wants to be cuddled non-stop. He is amazing with my 3 and 5 year old. He never barks or whines. I leave him out while im at work and he has had no accidents or hasn’t chewed anything up. He rides perfectly In the car and walks great on a leash. Im not sure if this is common for a jack chi or if I just got incredibly lucky!!
I have a 2yr old Jack Chi named Elmo. He is a complete joy to our family. Super spoiled! He has a hard time with other dogs and people he doesn’t know. I normally have to cage him when company comes over of fear that he may bite(which he’s done before). The weird thing about Elmo is, after he bites someone then he becomes their friend and wont leave their sight. What’s that all about? I want him to be nice to everyone without having to taste them first lol
He looooves socks! Elmo has destroyed more socks then I care to even admit. Even with his toys and treats all over, he prefers our socks.
Elmo also loves to burrow and cuddle which can be a pretty annoying sometimes, but he’s so cute I just let him.
He loves looking out of the window and looooves barking at and chasing birds, and squirrels.
I have a 9 year old jack chi. She barks alot. She plays fetch and is a very picky eater. She wants baby carrots, chicken, ceaser pate dog food and ole roys kibble chunks and chews. The problem is they stoped selling the chunks and chews and she wont eat any other dry food. She also loves green beans. She sleeps between blankets and she will not get in my lap until i have a cover on . She gets cold easy
I just got Mollyann at the Humane Society 2 weeks ago. She is a gorgeous 1 year old JackChia… Full of spunk and energy, loves all people and all dogs. Wants to climb our trees to get the squirrels. She is a wonderful dog and she cost me $120 dollars which included being spayed, all shots, and a chip. I have always bought my wonderful animals at the Humane Society. My last Chi was with me 16 1/2 years. It took me a year to be able to love again.
Hi I have a question ? I got my first jack Russell chihuahua mix and she is super sweet and I’m still getting to know her , but I’m having a little worried… she has a Red Vain Sticking out on 1 eye but her other eye is normal , and she acts normal … but she is 8 weeks , and I was told that all the puppies have it ( her siblings) but her parents don’t have it …. is that normal ? Please anyone reply ? This is my first time having this …
Have your Vet check the eye, that’s the only way to know for sure.
I have a Jack Chi named Charlie and he is about 7 months old, he chews everything he can find up even though he has toys and bones all over the house. He is obsessed with my cat and they play fight a lot but it’s really rough. He is pretty mean to strangers and barks and growls at every sound he hears, and he can be a little aggressive towards my nana at times.
I own two jack chis who are 6 years and 1 month old. I love them. Their names are Charlie and Scooter. Charlie can get aggressive with people but I love him so much! Also he barks at EVERYTHING. We got them from my mom’s friend who had a litter of puppies and we were only supposed to get Scooter but I convinced my parents to also get Charlie!
I have a 5 month old jackchi. He is very smart. He sleeps with me and hubby anywhere in the bed. He wakes up if he needs to go to puppy pads then comes back to me when done. Very protective of my family, doesn’t sleep well not unless everyone is home. Very good with other dogs. He doesn’t like the cold weather. He stays in bed under the quilt till lunch time. He is our baby. He makes so much difference in our lives. My children looks forward to see him after school. I’m so glad I found him. We are blessed.
my jack chi is the WORST dog. like mean and only likes his OG owner (my boyfriend). he literally tries to bite me.
I Have My Little Sadie Mae. She is a JackChi. I adopted her from our local shelter.The shelter had said she was 1 years old, but I think she was much younger. She is my little fur baby she loves being outside and loves going for walks. She definitely has the Jack in her because out of nowhere she will get a BURST of energy A just NEED To run. Luckily, I have fenced in yard and she is off to the races. She was very easy to train and loves to be cuddled. I ended up taking in an older dog and she definitely keeps her young. She is a bright spot in my life. I don’t know what I would do without her.
I’ve bot one and I can’t break her from peeing in the house and it’s about to drive me nuts! She’ll poop outside but pees in her crate and on the floor! Other than that we love her!
How often are you taking her out? I take my JC puppy out every 1-3 hours and it has worked well. She is 8 mos old now and is able to hold it much longer than even 2mo ago.
IT’s rare for a puppy or adult dog to pee where they sleep. Is the crate possibly too large? It should only be large enough for the fur baby to stand up and turn around. Puppies also can’t hold their bladder very long but it gets better as they age. I just got my first jackchi and she was already house broken. I got her at the Humane Society 2 weeks ago. However, I still bought her a crate because they do chew a lot as I’m sure all of you have found out.. LOL.. Be patient and it will all work out for you.
Has something bad happened to your dog when you have been out? I got my Simba almost 4yrs ago but I have some major health issues one I’m just getting the all clear for is cancer so I had to go out alot and my then husband would look after Simba until my return I didn’t know at the time that my then husband was being horrible to Simba and when I got home the poor thing would jump into my arms shaking like a leaf it took me moving away and starting a simba and me home to stop simba having nightmares and accidents inside because she was afraid of the possibility of my ex husband coming to get her now we moved no problems.
One way to deal with that is to keep her/him in a crate when you are not home or can’t keep an eye on your fur baby. Another way is to buy pee pads and put them where your baby usually does her business. And then slowly move them closer and closer to the door until your baby realizes outside is the place to take care of business and not in the house. To get rid of the smell that usually brings them back to the spot is to use wite vinegar. I hope this helps
looking for a jackchi any remondation as where to look I have search net if not I might go to a rehome center I keep looking want a boy bout 1yr fo
Hello my puppy gave birth to 5 just days ago if still looking
Hi! I’m looking for one!
My Dame Orphelia is expecting between June 10th and June 16th 2018… 4 to 5 weeks give or take. This will be her first litter and only time we breed her, She’s 3 years old white and black and I will know by the 30th how many she’s carrying after her ultrasound. MALES vs FEMALE
Do you still have puppies??????
where are you located ?
email me, please @ kbgood53@yahoo.com
email me, please @ kbgood53@yahoo.com….I would like to know price as well
hello, I am just new to this site. I too am looking for another jack chi, hoping you might still have one a female is what I would prefer, we adopted one just about well almost two years ago now, but I think she gets very bored and we want to get her a buddy. please reply asap
I have a female
Where are you located
I have a Jackchi named Spike, who is nine month old on the 19th and is a great dog. I live in a one bedroom apt and he needs a yard or someone younger to walk him. I love him to pieces but I’m not able to give him what he needs a yard or walking. My health is not that great. Let me know if you are interested and what your willing to pay for one. Thank you.
Mine is 13 years old, and was a great watch dog, but her vision and especially hearing are going. She’s still an alert little dog and will definitely let me know if someone strange is about. That said, she’s always been very friendly to most people when not at home.Those she doesn’t like, I don’t trust either. And a loving cuddlebug. When she passes, there I’ll be a huge hole in my heart.
Absolutely love my 3 year old JackChi! She is very sweet, but a great little guard. She has grown up around little children and a seems to adore kids in general. Smart and easy to train, too.
Yes I got a jackchi for my five year old. Very easy to train. When it goes to bed at night never barks or makes noise. Very friendly and well behaved. He be one in April and is after adjusting to a good routine. I recommend this breed to anyone as they are not as wild as a purebred jack Russell which my uncle owns three the 13 years and they are still as wild when pups.
Just got a Jack chi. He’s 3 months old. I’ve had him 9 days and he’s my first dog i had to potty train. Looking for any advice… thanks!
I just adopted a jack russell chihuahua and she has what is called “cherry eye”. It will go away with some ointment that the vet should give you. Some get it seasonally and others require surgery, however, I think that is a little much.
. Just my opinion of course.
We have a 5 year old Alaskan Klee Kai (12 pounds) and are thinking of adopting a Jack Chi puppy. Not sure about the compatability of the two. Not finding any research on these two breeds. Worried that I’d be getting in way over my head, but would love a companion for the Klee Kai.
We have an intact male Jackchi,a female Chihuahua (which we breed the 2) and 3 bigger breed dogs. They all get along well as long as our female is not in heat. We’ve had 1 little of pups so far, born late August. We recently found out we should have another litter around the 1st part of March. I personally LOVE the breed. So much personality!!!
Do you have puppies yet. I am very interested Please let me hear from you. What is the price.
Interested in a puppy
Looking for a Jackchi?
Shelters are full of unwanted, returned and abandoned dogs. I am a foster for an organization that rescues dogs placed on euthanasia lists. Please spay and neuter your dogs which will calm them down, prevent them from getting out and roaming and producing more litters which end up in shelters. I don’t mean to dampen your spirits but you should visit a shelter and see the number of dogs aching to be loved and taken in by a family. Not to mention observing a euthanasia. It is heartbreaking to watch them put on the brakes when they reach that door because they can smell death.
I completely agree with you and feel that backyard breeders are animal abusers using pups to make money.
I understand your concern about people that are breeding their dogs every six months or even every year. But to insist that every person selling puppies is a backyard breeder looking for a profit is not always the case. I personally believe that my animals couldn’t possibly live in a more loving environment. Constant Toys and treats are not cheap. As well loved members of the family they will have a couple of opportunities to contribute towards their pampered lifestyle and through a decent screening process I hope to help a few families experience the joys that we do. I understand the desire to adopt unwanted animals but some people are not interested in adopting a animal that has been abused or mistreated. I can imagine the difficulty involved with trying to train a fully grown animal that has been neglected. Some people want a opportunity to build a bond with a puppy and want to train them properly from the very start. You shouldn’t judge either side unless you fully understand the reasoning behind what they are doing!
My jack chi was found on the emergency lane by my nieces boyfriend and faher. Right before Christmas 2 years ago. He’s a joy to have. The only things I don’t like is he sheds heavily white fur. He scratches to hard when jumping on you.
But still working on that. I have trained him to do obstacle course I made. He sits lays down shakes my hand rollsover. Very smart dog. I take him jogging with me sometimes.
He does bark but not alot. He’s very protective of me.
Love my lpup !
Thank you for posting that Janet. I have gotten all of my wonderful dogs through the Humane Society. Looking at those sad faces begging for a forever home is painful but heart warming at the same time when one finds that wonderful new forever home!! There are way too many furbabies being put down. It truly breaks my heart.
I bought a jack chi puppy almost 2 years ago, and she is a fear biter and very afraid of strangers.
Took her to my grooming job in a kennel daily, but only warmed up to one person.
Any ideas?
I went to my local pet rescue for days and days to find the right one. I was looking and looking for the right big dog, but I ended up coming home with a jack chi. Super loving and the best dog ever. Best little bundle of life that guards me. Like a watchdog. If you’re looking for a lifelong companion, these guys are the one for you. Energized but also a huge cuddle bug
just got a jack chii she is a baby doll do have a problem she is bad about biting my granddaughters chasing them to try to bite them. what do I do
Hi Peggy,
I am not sure from your description what the age of your Jack Chi might be. Since you have a family with kids, you need to ensure that your dog is well-socialized, particularly to your grandchildren, as a puppy and into her adolescence. Also, do not allow the kids to mistreat your dog, and teach them to approach and interact properly. Provide the dog a safe place to retreat like a kennel, crate, or a baby-gated room. Your granddaughters should stay out of her personal space when she is sleeping or eating. Train your pet Jack Chi to respond to commands like sit, lie down, come, stop, and come, and reward her good behaviors with treats.
Good luck!
Rocky is the love of my life !
He makes me laugh every day !
Highly recommend you get a coupld of em
so they have a buddy !
I have one and he’s the absolute love of my life !
I rescued him from an abusive situation .
Now he’s happy,loving and content.
Rocky makes me laugh out loud every day !
Highly recommend you get a couple of em so they have a buddy ..
I got half chihuahua half jack Russel he seven months he such lovely dog playful active he black and tan
I just met a Jack Chi out on my walk today! Fell in love! I’ve been looking for a small dog and would LOVE to find a puppy. My concern is the cost, even at a rescue. What is a typical price?
Hi Debbie,
It really depends where, and when you go. Sometimes shelters will have their prices lowered due to the fact that their puppies aren’t being sold, and that’s how I got mine. I bought her when she was 6 months old but because of that she was 200, but that was for literally everything. You really just have to be consistent and keep checking. Happy hunting for your forever buddy!
I sold my last litter for $150 each. It is what I paid for the parents.
Do you have any puppies for sale
I found my baby 7 months ago! She is DELIGHTFUL! Best decision I ever made. The really precious thing is that my husband, who wanted me to have a dog because I really wanted one, now loves her dearly and vise versa. After 5 pm, if she rings her bell, he takes her out. And the comments I get don’t hurt either. Every time I walk her, at least two to three people will stop me and say, “What a BEAUTIFUL dog! What is it?” Now at 9 months old and 10 lbs., she looks like a sturdy little Chihuahua with a GORGEOUS white with brown markings Jack Russel coat. One guy actually said, “Can I have her?” After all the time I spent training her into the PERFECT little companion who lavishes love on me and vise versa? Uh … no. Go find your own! 🙂
I thought I was buying a chihuahua puppy that was 3 months old and paid $350 for him. Turns out to be a Jack Chi and he is unbelievable. He’s smart, won’t go to bed until I do and barks at me starting at 10:00 pm. He was trained partly on puppy pads and does real good with them. I want to hold him and he backs away. I can’t get a collar on him and tried a harness and that was worse. He gets out when I open the door and runs like crazy but stays by my door pretty much. I live in an apartment and I’m afraid we’ll get into trouble with out a leash, what can I do to help him with his fear of being held and putting on a collar and leash? HELP PLEASE
Hi Carol. I got my puppy really little (7 weeks) so I could be the first one to teach her right and wrong. It looks like your puppy has already been taught/conditioned in some things that you don’t like or agree with. But if he’s still 3 months, I don’t think that is too old to begin re-conditioning him. Hopefully, you are home with him during the day, which will help the process. If you’re very consistent with what you expect and use lots of praise and rewards when he complies, I think he’ll get the idea. Give him time with the holding/cuddling part. Obviously, something made him not think it is a good thing. You need to change his mind about that. For instance, I decided I wanted my dog to love being picked up. So throughout the day, I purposely picked her up for no reason and spoke softly to her, told her what a good dog she was, kissed her, snuggled her, gave her a special treat and set her back down. Guess who absolutely LOVES to be picked up? If only good things happen, why not? Be patient to change his mind about physical touch. Make it a good, special thing.
Hi Debbie, You don’t understand I can not catch him to pick him up. He runs as soon as I give the indication of picking him up. I gave him a couple treats that suppose to calm him, I don’t like giving him things like that but I have to try everything I can. One of the people in the complex help me get the harness on him BUT none of them fit. 4 harnesses and not one fit…. I can’t even get a good measurement to fit him properly. Help what can I do…???Any body
Wow, Carol, you are so right. I didn’t understand your unique situation and I apologize if I made everything sound simplistic. That would be so hard to have a puppy like that. However, don’t give up on him! Most puppies can change their mind with LOTS of time, patience, praise and TREATS. Don’t worry about the amount of treats right now. The most important thing is changing your sweet puppy’s mind about things. He didn’t get this way on his own. Somebody helped him. (Like the video above of the “naughty” Jack Chi. The owner is helping her puppy think this is their fun, bedtime game, yet calls the puppy naughty. Imagine the second owner of this puppy …). So you need to help your puppy the other way. Ok, harness issue. We went through a couple until we got the kind that is adjustable in all three ways. So now we can adjust the neck, girth and sternum/chest to fit her perfect. The running away/chasing issue. I read a wonderful book called, “Teach Your Dog 100 English Words” by Michele Welton. At the time, I was chasing my puppy too and didn’t know what to do. She said you should never chase your puppy. You’re teaching them it’s a game. Instead, you relentlessly “stalk” them down. You choose a very determined look and stretch yourself to your tallest height (to appear strong and powerful, which dogs respect)and march purposefully and confidently toward your dog. They will sense your change of attitude and demeanor and will get confused at what’s different about you, and usually stop and cower. That’s what mine did. I don’t know how long it will take with yours, but don’t give up. And be sure and give a treat as soon as you reach him. Teach him it’s a good thing to be “caught.” Also, is your dog kennel trained?
Thank you Debbie for all your help!! You have given me a lot of good advise and I’m going to take it. Yes, it will take time and lots of work but I’m sure it will pay off. He is so smart and fun and loving in his own way. Thanks again and Take Care.
They found my Tello among the wild dogs in the southwest of US. He has so much jack russell independence. He has taken on the role of greeter at the local dog park, allowing me to volunteer as well. He’s a hard worker and he’s dedicated to the safety of his pack, and he clearly understands every role of a traditional hunting group, as well as a family unit. This dog is incredibly intelligent, having learned 7 commands in 7 weeks, how to decide weather it’s “play” or “real,” his bolting is unmatched at the dog park, his stamina is relentless, and most importantly he has the patience and love that denotes wisdom beyond his years.
You see one of these, and you’re ready to make the commitment, get ready to have a ranger made out of you.
I’ve been a happy owner of one bitch for 4 years now. I’ve had her since she was 8 weeks old. She is the most loving, loyal little person. She has tons of energy and loves to play but she barks! She barks at everything!! I’m happy to put up with that for good points outweigh her bad. Being food obsessed she was very easy to train.
Why did you call her a bitch?
Just like a hen is a female chicken and a mare is a female horse, a bitch is a female dog.
I think it’s sounds bad but it most not be when talking about your dog. Thanks again
I feel the same way, Carol. We’ve used it so long as a bad word for people, that its lost its real and innocent meaning for a girl dog.
Just got a 5 year old male Jack Chi and a 3 year old female Chihuahua mix from Maricopa County shelter. Tons of animals so I got free adoption. Looking forward to many years with my babies.
Just got me one of these pups at a no kill shelter in california. Hes a bit shy now but that should all change soon. Make sure he jas lots of running room. My blue nose pit chelly has a hard time keeping up with this guy. Ive decided to name him bo short for bodacious.
That’s awesome that you got him from a shelter! We just got a female at a local shelter. She’s 11 pounds and looks mostly chihuahua with maybe the jack Russel as the other parent my husband I have adopted a total of five. One is a retired greyhound. He loves playing with this little one. It’s so hilarious!
Looking for a puppy. hard to find one. I you know of any please let me know. Thanks
I know of someone with some for sale. text her she put an add on craigslist if you are still looking her number is 7202780481
Adopt one at a shelter. They’re full of them. Never buy one, too many are dying due to breeders. Goodluck!
Where are you located? We just got a Jack Chi from a rescue (we are in CT, they sent him up from TN where there are tons of kill shelters and puppies are rescued from). Check petfinder.org, check locally and someone near you probably works with people in the south to do the same. The place we used stopped in MD, NY , PA and MASS. Good luck
To any of you looking for a puppy: please look first at your local shelter. They have puppies sometimes, but more importantly consider an adult! We’ve adopted FIVE…..one being a retired racing greyhound and all were young adults. Well one is a hound mix who is ten! These animals are more grateful believe it or not. They will bond with you fast once they feel safe with you. You may certainly ended up with a best friend for many many years! Check out your shelter and see if you’re drawn to some body!