The Doxiepoo, developed from the Dachshund and the Toy Poodle, is one of the most unpredictable among the crossbreed dogs. They can inherit the Dachshund’s long body covered with the Poodle’s curly coat, or even the vice versa. Even the siblings of the same litter might vary from each other in appearance. They are designer dogs with a round face, bright, round eyes, a short, dark muzzle, and a pair of floppy ears that hang down near their cheeks. When fully grown, adult Doxiepoos typically weigh between 5 to 15 pounds.
Doxiepoo Pictures
- Black Doxiepoo Puppy
- Brown Doxiepoo Dog
- Brown Doxiepoo Puppy
- Doxiepoo Dogs
- Doxiepoo Images
- Doxiepoo Photos
- Doxiepoo Pictures
- Doxiepoo Puppies
- Doxiepoo Puppy Images
- Doxiepoo Puppy Photos
- Doxiepoo Puppy Pictures
- Doxiepoo Puppy
- Doxiepoo
- Pictures of Doxiepoo
Quick Description
Other Names | Doodle, Doxie Poo |
Coat | Long, short, rough |
Colors | White, brown, black, gray, black and tan |
Breed Type | Crossbreed |
Breed Group | Designer Dog, Companion Dog, Watchdog |
Lifespan | 10 to 15 years |
Weight | 10-30 pounds |
Height (size) | Small; Max. 21 inches |
Shedding | Moderate |
Temperament | Friendly, intelligent, social, loyal |
Barking | Frequent |
Hypoallergenic | Yes |
Good with Children | Yes |
Good with other Pets | Yes |
Country of Origin | USA |
Competitive Registration | ACHC, DDKC, DRA, IDCR, DBR |
Temperament and Behavior
The loving, affectionate and easy-going Doxiepoo is good with people of all ages. They are friendly, intelligent, people-oriented and are loyal to their families. The Doxie is comfortable to be around children and pets, but supervision is recommended. Though, these dogs often pick up the bad traits of its parents, like the stubborn behavior of the Dachshund.
The Doxiepoo is mischievous and funny that would love to dig and play around or get cuddled. They would often develop excessive barking behaviors, which might at times be obnoxious, but adds to its quality of being a good watchdog.
These little dogs do not need heavy exercise schedules because of their little size. Only a fair amount of exercise and play session keeps them fit. Take your doxie out for a walk every day, since they stay happy walking and running outdoors.
Shedding mainly depends on the nature of the coat your pet doxie was born. General grooming is essential for the dog, though. Brush their coat few times a week, or even daily, to avoid matting and retain the natural sheen. You can either keep your dog’s coat long or trim it. But if you decide to keep it long, grooming them occasional by professional hands is recommended. For curlier poodle-like coats, clip them once in every 1 to 2 months.
Health Problems
Crossbreed dogs are generally healthy, and so is the doxiepoo. The only health concern might be genetically transmitted or hereditary diseases.
Skin and nasal allergies can also be a concern to your doxiepoo. Those with longer or denser hair types might be even more susceptible to these conditions.
By virtue of its inherited intelligence, training your doxiepoo is not at all tough. They would pick up training very quickly, though, at times might display obstinate behavior. This can easily be resolved by means of rewards and positive reinforcements.
Begin your obedience training at its puppy-age and allowing them socialize frequently. This should keep a check on possible behavioral issues like barking habits and stubbornness, as they grow up.
Serve your doxiepoo with protein-rich foods. Insist on a raw meat diet. At that, a chicken meal can be the first choice, especially for the pups. There is also liver, lamb meal, salmon meal, and other mineral-enriched dog foods that we generally serve to the dogs of its size, with the same health history. You can also enhance the flavor adding olive oil to your pet’s food, which in turn is extremely good for them. If you feed your dog with dry kibble, be sure they are of high quality.
Interesting Facts
- The doxiepoo breed is popular in the Southern states.
- Doxiepoo has been immortalized in a kitschy pin on web site eBay.
- Since they differ so much from each other by appearance, identifying a doxiepoo puppy is tough.
- This breed is known in many other names like Doxie-poo, Doxipoo, Doxi-poo, Doxypoo, Doxiedoodle, Doxypoodle, Dachdoodle, Doxiepoodle.
My boyfriend and I are looking for a Doxiepoo puppy. Does anyone happen to know any reputable Doxiepoo breeders in California or nearby states? If so, please contact me at Thanks!
I am picking up afemale doxipoo hopefully today almost 6 wks old
I was given my Doxiepoo on my birthday in 2007 he was 7 weeks old i named him BJ he was so loyal & always so friendly with everyone he met we would be down the road he would see someone go up to them happy to see someone he knew or make a new friend, very intelligent & did not like being told no he would let me know that he did not like being laughed at if he did something silly sadly he passed away in February (2020) aged 13 years, home is so empty now he was my first ever dog (i’m now 64) if you are looking for that one special breed you will never be disappointed with a Doxiepoo.
Call please. I would love and take care of him or her. Big backyard Spare room If you have any time call at 864-490-6172. Doesn’t have to be puppy
Do you have any dogs or pups right now
Can you call and let me know if you still have solid brown doxiedoodle? I need somebody to love and keep me company. He/she would have big back yard and a spare room inside. I’m 51. And in need of companionship. And I have a lot of love to give a dog.
Could someone give me a price range?
We have a Doxiedoodle named CC. We have had him since he was 10 weeks old. He is now 6. He is fantastic, whip smart and does not disturb anything or ever leave us “gifts” in the house. He is extremely affectionate and provides us with unconditional love. He gives much more than any dog owner could ever ask for! We love CC so much!!!
Does he shed?
I also have a little chocolate brown Doxipoo that I adopted in October, 2028. She was rescued by a local shelter. She was given to friends of the original Owner. These so-called friends kept my little girl tied to the side of their house leaving her to live in her own feces. I can’t believe someone could neglect her like that.She is the cutest, funniest little girl the vet guessed she is around the age of 10 yrs. Old.
She looks like a puppy.
I adopted her to be a Little sister to our 16 ur. Old female brindle pit mix. They are getting along ok except our little “Mia” is very bossy at times. I love doxipoos
I purchased a doxie-poo in September and absolutely love this breed! He is the sweetest little thing I have ever seen. He loves to play with any other dog, even dogs that are much bigger than him. He also loves to be around people, especially children. We have a lot of children in our neighborhood and he loves to go outside and play with them. He is a true sweetheart. I would highly recommend this breed.
Angie, where are you located, I am very interested in owning a Doxie-poo, Please give me a call 936-347-5241, please leave a message if I dont answer, I am outside working
Thank you
Trena Greer
Well folks I breed and raise doxipoos. I find them very special animals. Not like most dogs more human like did you know these dogs are talkers and will study things and then solve their promlbem with what ever it is? Also they are the most loving dog.Lindalee
Where can I get one ?
My little Doxiepoo just passed away two days ago and my wife and I are heartbroken. We really want another one and prefer a female. If you can help us out feel free to call me at 8032604353 and ask for Barry, thank you.
Where are you located? We recently lost our guy, a doxi/boarder collie mix – 15 pounds and perfect – after 17and a half years. We’re thinking about doxie-poos in terms of personality. Are you having an upcoming litter?
Our Doxiepoo just passed away. He was the best little boy. I know I can never replace him, but I loved his temperament, intelligence and loyalty. Our house is so empty. I would really love to find another Doxie poo to love. If you can help, please let me know.
We call are rescued “Doodle” – Doxie-Poodle – Sienna because of her undercoat. She’s fiercely loyal, plays well with other pets, & smart as a whip. She was in a hoarders house & it took her a year to overcome her fears. Now there’s no stopping her. Doodles are wonderful dogs.
I disagree with good with other pets. My dog (Riley Grace) HATES it when we come home with my grandmothers dog. She usually never barks but she always barks at my grandmother’s dog.
Me and my mom just recently rescued a doxiepoo, and we figured out that she was abandoned (her name is Riley Grace).We actually found her on Saturday, and now is VERY attached to my mother. She cries every time me or my mother leaves, but I need to find a good place to get her a microchip and tag. Does anyone know a good place I can go?
Love my Sassy.