Short Haired Dog Breeds

Short-haired dogs are comparatively easier to maintain, as their grooming needs are significantly lower than longer-haired breeds. While long-haired breeds need their fur trimmed and brushed to prevent shedding all over the house, dogs like Beagles, Frenchies, and Pugs require mild brushing every few weeks to keep them clean.

Some dogs, like the Chihuahua and the Collie, can develop long- and short-haired coats.

Short Haired Dog Breeds

List of Dog Breeds with Short Hair

Small Short-haired Dog Breeds

Medium Short-haired Dog Breeds

Big Short-haired Dog Breeds


1. Which short-haired dogs shed the least amount of fur?

The amount of hair a dog sheds varies, even within the same breed. However, some dogs like the Bichon Frise, the Maltese, and the Yorkshire Terrier are known to shed less than others.

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