By Avatar photoShiloh Nevada Last updated: 18th October 2022

Cavapoo (Cavoodle)


Avatar photo Shiloh Nevada
Last updated: 18th October 2022

The breed of adorable dogs named Cavapoo, also called in some circles as a Cavoodle, is actually a mix between the Poodle purebreds and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They are designer dogs and have been grouped under β€˜toy’ dog breeds, which are generally characterized by their small size. They are social, intelligent and loving by nature, however, they don’t get well with children.

Cavapoo Pictures

Quick Information

Dog BreedCavapoo
CoatShort to long
ColorBlack, white, tricolor (black, white and tan), blenheim (brown and white) and gold
FaceRound and expressive
Breed TypeCrossbreed
Group (of Breed)Toy
Lifespan12 to 15 years
Weight/Size8 to 20 pounds; Small to Medium
HairSoft coats (few individuals can possess a wavy, silky and longer body hair)
EarsLong hanging
Size9 to 14 inches (23 to 35cm)
Competitive RegistrationACHC, DDKC, DRA, IDCR, DBR


Cavapoos are friendly, loving, caring and affectionate dogs. They are quite playful and social. They are harmless, however, care must be taken so that, children treat them with respect, and they are supervised by the elders, while playing around with them. Cavapoos are not kennel dogs. They would rather prefer to spend time with their master and family, and even cuddle in bed at night in the owner’s bed, since they feel lonely alone at nighttime.



Take them for a walk regularly, find out some time regularly for some indoor plays and amusement like fetch games and small dog agility competitions. In general, both the puppyΒ and the adult cavapoos do not need the daily dose of lots of exercise.


Always keep your cavapoo clean and grow healthy habits. Keep them away from dirt, brush their coat, keep their nails trimmed and get their ears cleaned by expert hands.

Health Problems

Cavapoos shed hair moderately. If not groomed regularly, the coat of the cavapoo can become tangled and matted, which could easily lead to different problems of the skin.

Like other crossbreed dogs, cavapoos are vulnerable to picking up genetic health problems. Hence, these dogs can very well develop specifically such health conditions which are common to both the poodle and the cavalier king charles spaniels, particularly if you are not aware about whom you are buying your puppy from.

Other heredity diseases include :Β Hip dysplasia, eye diseases such as glaucoma, entropion, cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy,Β mitral valve disease, luxating patellas (a disease affecting one or more knees, which might even end up in surgery) and even epilepsy.


For their intelligence and vigilance, cavapoos can pick up tricks, and can easily understand what is asked of them, and are eager to please their owners. So it is recommended to interact with them in a well-varied and gentle approach.

Appreciate your puppy every time it does something good or learns something successfully.

Choose a particular phrase for the respective action you want your puppy to do, like β€˜go to the loo’, β€˜have your lunch’, β€˜bring me the newspaper Snowy’ etc. Repeat this every time you want the work to be done, and very soon, your pup will connect those words with the action you want it to do, and it will carry it on successfully.

Interesting Facts

  • Among the cavapoos, the females tend to be more loyal and might even follow you around.
  • These dogs are fearless by nature, which in turn means that, they are more vulnerable to danger and can potentially be harmed.
  • Cavapoo dogs have short muzzle, and hence, can be sensitive to heat, hence should not be left exposed to the outside heat on a hot day.

Buying/Adopting CavapooΒ Puppies from Breeders

Cavapoo adoption is quite common. However, the medical history of the parents, grandparents and great grandparents must be inquired and considered before buying a puppy from the cavapoo breeders.

To ensure that, your puppy stays safe from any future health hazards, it is strongly advised to buy cavapoo only from the breeders who use (or is ready to use) the RSPCA / BVA AWF Puppy Contract and Puppy Information Pack (PIP).

It is also advisable to buy a cavapoo pup only from the breeders who abide by the Dog Advisory Council’s Standard for Breeders. Just having the new dog get checked by the vet is not enough for genetic health testing. Hence, one should not buy a cavapoo puppy from any breeder who is unable to provide the buyer with written documentation that the pup’s parents were cleared of health issues, which usually affect the cavapoo breed.

14 responses to “Cavapoo (Cavoodle)”

  1. W LANG says:

    Please let me know if Carlisle for sale near Manchester

  2. Carolyn Brawner says:

    How much do they cost. How delivered? How many still available.

  3. Helen Gilmer says:

    I am interested in acquiring a puppy. Can you give me names of breeders in Virginia or Pennsylvania?
    Thank you.

  4. Richard says:

    Would like to buy a cavapoo we have a bungalow with nice garden and we are both retired

    • Tracey says:

      I have a cavapoo and she is happy to just have people around. She does have a large yard to roam but she doesn’t really care. She’d rather sit near me on the deck and just watch. We take short walks which she had become accustomed to, and will remind me every night what time it is!

      As as pup, she did like to dig in the yard but that happened because she was bored. She likes to chew on toys and run for a ball.

      She’s so easy to have! She JUST LOVES HER HUMANS!

  5. lj says:

    please advise on where I can purchase this exact type of dog

  6. Pat says:

    Do you have adult dogs

  7. Mary says:

    Do they shed?

    • Linda Beard says:

      no they do not,,,,however, I would like to ask about when they will stop acting crazy,,,I have a 4 1/2 to 5 month old,,,can’t get him to potty outside,stop biting, jumping etc.. and he went to puppy school,,,,,

      • Tracey says:

        My cavapoo was a bit crazy for a year, maybe a bit longer. She was potty trained well before 4 months. You have to be consistent with his training. They are very eager to oleaseyyand should have a lot of positive reinforcement.

        The “zoomies” still happen at age 3! It’s fun to watch and it’s playful.

        Don’t be discouraged. Be consistent.

    • Sergey Uhanov (Certified Veterinarian) admin says:

      Yes, Cavapoos do shed, but the intensity varies. If it takes more towards the Poodle side, it will shed lesser than if it takes the Cavalier side.

  8. Wraven weatherford says:

    I want to buy one for myself. Have any idea where I can get a puppy?

  9. slbarrett says:

    Can you recommend breeder local in South Carolina? Looking to get a covapoo puppy for my daughter as a Christmas present.

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