DIY Homemade Dry Shampoo for Dogs

Dry Shampoo for Dogs

Dry Shampoo for Dogs

When it comes to bathing your pet dog/puppy, some dogs hate being in water, while the others just love it! But it would be very unlikely that your pet dog would resist being cleaned by dry dog shampoo, and hence, it is safe. However, no matter what your dog’s temperament is, it is always wise to opt for a homemade version rather than opting for a dry shampoo from a pet store. When you make it at home, you are always sure about its ingredients, and that, it is free from harsh chemicals. Try the best dog shampoo recipes we share here for you.

Easy DIY Dry Dog Shampoo Recipe


  • Baking soda – 1 cup
  • Corn starch – 1 cup
  • Essential oil (like jasmine, lemon, rose, lavender, etc.) – a few drops
DIY Dry Dog Shampoo Recipe

DIY Dry Dog Shampoo Recipe

How to make

Mix the baking soda and the starch on a dry, big bowl. Add the few drops of the essential oil to the mixture, and mix it further. Your dry dog shampoo is ready.

How to use

Just sprinkle the mixture generously all over your pet dog’s body and massage the whole body by your hands. Brush off after about 20-30 minutes. However, your dog itself would probably shake itself later and get rid of the extra dry shampoo from all over its body.

Dry Flea Shampoo Recipe for Dogs

Dry Flea Shampoo Recipe for Dogs

Dry Flea Shampoo Recipe for Dogs

If your pet dog or puppy has problem with fleas, just add a few drops of citronella oil in addition to the above ingredients.

Dry Shampoo for stinking (smelling) Dogs


  • Baking soda – 1 cup
  • Baby Powder – 1 cup
  • Essential Oil (like tea tree oil, sandalwood oil, etc.) – 5-7 drops
Dry Shampoo for Stinking Dogs

Dry Shampoo for Stinking Dogs

How to use

Mix the baby powder with the baking soda in a wide glass bowl. Pour in the essential oil and mix evenly. Use this on your dog’s whole body and rub deeply. Brush off after 30 minutes.

General warnings and tips:

  1. Avoid using excess of baking soda at a time. Nor should you frequently use these recipes to bathe your dog simply because the excess soda might accumulate under your dog’s coat hair.
  2. Do not altogether replace regular water bath with dry (waterless) shampoo powders. Normally, if you bathe your dogs/puppies once every month, you might choose to give them a monthly alternating bath between dry and wet shampoos.

Do you have a dry dog shampoo recipe? Share with us and give us your suggestions and comments to improve the list, and we would share your recipes and thoughts with all our readers and dog lovers here!

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